Basic certification Notes
schema first design
- Define the schema
- Backend implementation on GQL Server
- Frontend Implementation
- Benefit:
- Reduce total development time
- Frontend can work as soon as schema is defined.
- Backend develop API based on same schema
- Reduce total development time
Think about data before defining schema
- In a graph, define:
- node as a object
- edge as a relationship between object
- In a graph, define:
- A contract between server and client:
- Define what GraphQL API can and can't do
- how clients can request or change data
- Abstraction that hide backend implementation.
- A contract between server and client:
Schema definition language (SDL)
Schema is a collection of objects that contain fields.
Each field can be scalar or another object.
E.g. Code challange I:
Define a SpaceCat type with the following fields: name of type String (non null), age of type Int, and missions of type List of Mission
type SpaceCat {
name: String!
age: Int
missions: [Mission]
Can be oneline "" or multiline """comment"""
E.g. Code challange II:
Add a block description for the SpaceCat type (triple "double quotes") and a normal description for the name field.
This is a SpaceCat
type SpaceCat {
"This is name"
name: String!
age: Int
missions: [Mission]
Define Schema
"A track is a group of Modules that teaches about a specific topic"
type Track {
id: ID!
title: String!
author: Author!
thumbnail: String
length: Int
modulesCount: Int
Query type
- The fields of Query type are entry points into the rest of our schema.
- This is top-level fields that client can query for.
type Query {
"Get tracks array for homepage grid"
tracksForHome: [Track!]!
Code Challenge:
- Create a full schema with: a type Query containing a field spaceCats to fetch a List of SpaceCat. A type SpaceCat with its subfields: id of type ID!, name of type String!, age of type Int and missions of type List of Mission. Finally define the Mission type with its subfields: id of type ID!, name of type String!, and description of type String!.
type Query {
spaceCats: [SpaceCat]
type SpaceCat {
id: ID!
name: String!
age: Int
missions: [Mission]
type Mission {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String!
Start server
- Import schema and start server
async function startApolloServer() {
const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs });
const { url } = await startStandaloneServer(server);