
Ch1 Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications


  • Data-intensive v.s compute intensive
    • Most application are data-intensive, cpu power is not a limiting factor
    • Most problems: amount of data, complexity of data.
    • Supplementary:
      • Single-threaded web server (NodeJS) v.s. multi-threaded web server (Golang)

Standard building block of an application

  • Store data persistently. (Database)
  • Remember result of expensive operation. (Cache)
  • Search data by keywords. (Search indexes)
  • Ingesting a continuous data stream to quickly analyze, filter, transform or enhance the data in real time(Stream processing)
  • Periodically process large amount of data (Batch processing)

About these building blocks

  • These data system are successful abstraction.
    • E.g. Developer doesn’t need to write a new database from scratch.
  • Same category of data system may have many different characteristics
    • E.g. Many different implementation of Database, Various approach to caching.
  • Figure out which tools and which approaches are the most appropriate for our app.

Thinking About data systems

  • The traditional categories becomes blur
    • E.g. Redis can be a datastore, and also used as message queues.
  • A single tool can no longer meet all needs.
    • E.g. Cache, full-text search, and database

    • It’s the application’s responsibility to sync data within these componenets.

      - Now, you’re both an application developer and a data system designer.


  • How to ensure the whole data system work correctly?
    • E.g.
      • How to ensure data remain correct and complete when something go wrong?
      • How to provide consistently good performance to clients when some part of system degrade?
      • How to scale when increase in load?
    • Focus on three important concerns in most software systems
      • Reliability
        • System continue to work correctly even when fault occurs.
          • Fault included: Hardware, software faults, human error.
      • Scalability
        • Ways to handle when the system grows in data or traffic volume.
      • Maintainability
        • People should be able to work on it productively.


  • Roughly meaning: “Continuing to work correctly, even when things go wrong”
  • faults:
    • One component of the system deviating from its spec.
    • c.f. failures: The whole system stop providing service.
  • System that anticipate faults and can cope with them are call fault-tolerant or resilient
  • How to test a system is fault-tolerant?
    • Deliberately generate faults.
    • E.g. Netflix Chaos Monkey: randomly kill instance and see whether service works fine.

Hardware Faults


  • Hard disk crash, power blackout, someone unplug network cable, etc.
  • Hard disk’s Mean time to Failure (MTTF)
    • 10~50 year.
  • First solution: Add redundancy in component
    • Set up disk in a RAID configuration.
    • Dual power supplies for server.
    • Idea: When one component die, the redundant component can take its place.
    • Result:
      • Make total failure of a single machine rare.
      • Multi-machine redundant is not necessary.
  • Trends:
    • As data volume and application’s computing increased, more app use larger number of machines.
    • It’s common that vm provided with cloud provider become unavailable without warning.
      • Platform is designed to prioritize flexibility and elastic over single-machinie reliability.
  • Second solution: Using software fault-tolerance technique in preference
    • System should tolerate the single-machine shutdown.
    • Advantages:
      • Can perform rolling upgrade:
        • Reboot a machine to security patch, one node at a time, while other machine can still maintain the service without downtime.

Software Faults

  • Hardware faults are random and independent.
  • Software faults(Systematic faults) are harder to anticipate, and may have relation between faults.
  • Examples:
    • Given a bad input cause the whole system crash
    • A process that exhaust all CPU, memory resource.
  • Solutions:
    • Carefully thinking about assumption and interaction in the system.

Human errors (similar to software faults)

How to build reliable system without human errors:

  • Design system that minimize opportunities of errors
    • E.g. Well-designed abstraction
  • Testing
    • From unit test to end-to-end test, use automated test.
  • Allow quick and easy recovery from human errors
    • Fast to rollback and gradually roll out new code.
  • Set up detailed monitoring and alerting.


Describing Load

Succintly describe current load of system.

  • Load can be described with a few number called load parameters.
  • Load parameters including:
    • rps, r/w ratios, cache hit rate, etc.
    • Observe the average and extreme cases.
  • Example: Tweet
    • Two API
      • User post tweet
      • Browse home timeline (should see the followees’ posts)
    • Two different ways to handle
      1. Method 1
        • User post tweet: Directly write into database. (fast)
        • Browse Timeline: Perform join on database for all followees’ post. (slow)
      2. Method 2
        • User post tweet: Write post to all follower’s individual cache. (slow, many write)
        • Browse Timeline: Directly fetch from cache. (fast)


  • Initially, Twitter use method 1, but system load home timeline slowly.
    • We can found that home timeline query is more frequent than post tweet.
    • Hence, it consider method 2.
  • For method 2, posting tweet may cost lots of time.
    • Firstly, we observe the average followers of each user is 75. So the write cost should * 75.
    • However, we omit the fact that some celebrity have extreme high followers(30 million), which can cause high write suddenly.
  • For twitter, the distribution of followers per user is the key load parameter.
  • Finally, twitter use a hybrid approach.

Describing performance

In online system, service’s response time is more important to describe performance.

  • Response time: The time between client send request and receive response.
  • Every try may have different response time.
  • Measure as distribution.


  • We should take care of outliers seriously.
    • Perhaps the slowest request is from a more valuable customer because they usually have more data to load.
  • Use percentile instead of average to tell how many customer actually experienced delay easily.
    • E.g. p50: median percentile, p90, p99
    • Amazon describe performance in terms of p99.9.
  • Head-of-line blocking
    • Server is blocked at a slow request and can’t handle subsequent request.
    • Even if subsequent request is fast to process, client still feel high response time.
  • Tail-latency amplification
    • When an incoming request need to call other backend services, the slowest request is the bottleneck.

    • The probability for client to meet slow request is higher.


Approachs for coping with load

  • Scale up (vertical scaling)
  • Scale out (horizontal scaling)
    • Scale out is cheaper than scale up.
    • Elastic
      • Automatic scaling by observing some metric.
    • Stateless v.s. Stateful
      • Stateful: Take Stateful data system from one node to a distributed setup introduce lots of complexity.
      • Stateless: Share-nothing architecture.
        • Distribute load across multiple machine. (stateless)
  • There is no one-size fit all scalable architecture
    • Scaling is highly specific to application.
    • Different problem. E.g. r/w volume, data volume, etc.
  • Determine which operations are common and which operations are rare.
    • Decide important load parameter.


  • Majority cost of software is the ongoing maintenance.
    • E.g. fix bugs, keep system operational, investigating failures, pay tech debt, etc.
  • We should design software in a way that minimize pain during maintenance and avoid legacy software ourselves.
  • Three design principles for softwrae systems:
    • Operability
      • Make it easy for Op teams to keep system running.
    • Simplicity
      • Make it easy for new engineer to understand the system by removing complexity.
    • Evolvability
      • Make it easy for engineer to make changes to the system in the future.
      • A.k.a extensibility, modifiability, plasticity.


Operation teams are vital to keeping a software running smoothly.


  • Monitoring the health of system, and quickly restoring service if it’s shutdown.
  • Tracking down the cause of problem.
    • Logging
  • Keeping softeware and platforms up to date, including security patches.
  • Establishing good practice and tools for deployment, configuration management and more.

  • Good operability means making routine tasks easy.
  • Data systems can do various things to make routine tasks easy:
    • Visibility into the runtime behavior of the system
    • Good support for automation and integration with tools.
    • Provide Documentation.
    • Rolling upgrade
    • Self-healing

Simplicity: Manage complexity

  • Possible symptons of complexity:
    • Extra state space
    • Tight coupling of modules
    • Tangled dependency (cyclic dependency ?)
    • inconsistent naming.
    • Special-case to workaround issue.
  • Complexity system drawbacks
    • Greater risk of introducing bug when making a change because
      • system is harder to understand
      • hidden assumption
  • Tools for remove unnecessary complexity: Abstraction
    • Hide implementation detail behind a clean, understandable interface.
    • easy to use for other applications.
  • E.g. SQL is an abstraction that hide complex on-disk and in-memory data structure, concurrent requests from other clients (Still need to consider), and inconsistent after crash.

Evolability: Make change easy

  • Agile development: Adpating to change easily.
    • TDD (Test-driven design)
    • Refactoring.


  • Reliability
    • System continue to work correctly even when fault occurs.
      • Fault included: Hardware, software faults, human error.
  • Scalability
    • Ways to handle when the system grows in data or traffic volume.
  • Maintainability
    • People should be able to work on it productively.